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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Genesis 4:1-26
This content is part of a series.

Death, Dispersion, and Delight (4 of 50)
Series: Genesis
Donald Cantrell
Genesis 4:1-26

Theme: In the chapter we find heartbreak and hope

I - The Two Sons (1 - 2)
II - The Timely Sacrifices (3 - 5)
III - The Truthful Signal (6 - 7)
IV - The Terrible Slaying (8 - 9)
V - The Tragic Sentencing (10 - 12)
VI - The Tearful Suggestion (13 - 15)
VII - The Throng Spreads (16 - 22)
VIII - The Troublesome Scenario (23 - 24)
IX - The Triumphant Seed (25 - 26)

The first three chapters are all about creation and the first couple, but things begin to turn away from Adam and Eve since they were driven from the Garden of Eden. In this chapter we read about childbirth, then we read about denial and failure, but then man's fallen nature kicks in and bitterness and jealousy take center stage, leading to murder and judgment.

Once Abel is murdered, the descendents of Cain will be an ungodly line of heathens and they will wholly reject the very God of Adam and Eve. I am amazed at the swiftness and of man's fall from being believers in God. Ultimately we read of Eve having another son and he will begin a new line of godly believers and through him, the promise of God will be fulfilled.

I - The Two Sons (1 - 2)

Gen 4:1 KJV - And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.

Gen 4:2 KJV - And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.

I wonder if Eve may have had daughters before this or maybe daughters in between the births of Cain and Abel.
The Statement (1)

Eve conceives a male child from the Lord and I think that she is gleeful and joyful, filled with hope that this is the one that will bring fallen man back into his original state. I think that eating from the forbidden fruit haunted Eve until the day that she died. God had promised her that through her ''seed'' there would come one that would crush the head of serpent, so sh ...

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