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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: Genesis 3:1-24
This content is part of a series.

Sin Coverings (11)
Series: Genesis
Robert Dawson
Genesis 3

One of the first games we learn to play as small children is hide and seek. I remember when JM was just a little guy, 2 or 3 years old, he was amazing at hide and seek. He would find a spot and sit there motionless and silent. To this day I am not entirely sure he didn't master the art of not breathing.

During one of our trips home from NC to visit family we were staying at Kristal's mom and dad's house. JM was playing hide and seek with his older cousins. After a couple of turns I decided to help JM hide. I put him in our suitcase and covered him up with all of clothes. My nephews searched and searched for the little guy. They went in every room...twice. They looked in every closet, shower, behind every piece of furniture and under every bed. They even opened the suitcase and saw clothes. One of them kicked the suitcase JM was hiding in out of frustration. He kicked it so hard I was concerned for my little boy. He never moved, made a sound or drew a breath. It was so fun.

In our passage today we will read about the very first round of hide and seek to ever take place, only it wasn't a game, and it wasn't fun.

In Genesis 3, Adam and Eve, out of fear and shame, hid from God because they did the one thing God commanded them not to do.
• They ate from The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Rather than listen to God and obey Him, they listened to the serpent/satan and to the selfishness and pride of their own heart.
• They sinned against God. They made an irrational choice. They turned from ''God's good commands, His kingdom, His glory, His love and embraced disobedience, the kingdom of satan and evil. Why would anyone turn from the beauty and joy of covenant life with God and embrace'' anything else, especially its opposite. Sin is an irrational choice.'' (John Frame)

When they sinned, in the words of Obi-wan Kenobi, there was a ''great disturbance in the force, as if millions of ...

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