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by William Wyne

Scripture: Psalm 27:1-4, Psalm 2:5

The Believer's Assurance
William Wyne
Psalm 27:1-5

There is a beautiful story told about John McCleod Campbell, the great Scottish preacher. One day a student came to him in a spiritual quandary. He was struggling with faith, life, and his walk with God. He said, Dr. Campbell, your life and your walk appears to be one where you have a hold on God and your faith. From what we see and hear, you have without a doubt a hold on God. How can I have that hold?

Campbell chuckled with humility and said, ''I do not have a hold upon my faith or God. I struggle each day with that. So, while I will admit that I do not have a hold on God, I can promise you that God has a hold on me!''

The words of Kurt Carr's song speaks to me here, ''I Almost Let Go.''

I felt like I just could not take it anymore. My problems had me bound; depression weighed me down. But God held me close, so I wouldn't let go. God's mercy kept me.

I almost gave up. I was at the edge of a breakthrough, but couldn't see it. But Jesus came and grabbed me.

The believer's assurance is not in or on the believer. Our assurance is in God.

Our faith can sometimes appear to be fickle and feeble.

Our own will is weak. Our way is not always right.

I like Dr. Campbell's response; I am sure He holds me! The only reason we are here is that He kept us.

He kept us sane when insanity could have been the experience.

He kept us stable when instability was prevalent.

The 27th Psalm is a Psalm of confidence. David is confident that God was all that He said. This is David's personal statement of assurance in the face of some trial or test.

There is ...

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