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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Genesis 2:1-25
This content is part of a series.

Paradise at Its Best (2 of 50)
Series: Genesis
Donald Cantrell
Genesis 2:1-25

Theme: Adam and Eve were living in paradise

I - The Sabbath (1 - 3)
II - The Summary (4 - 6)
III - The Specimen (7)
IV - The Setting (8 - 14)
V - The Specifications (15 - 20a)
VI - The Situation (20b)
VII - The Soul-mate (21 - 22)
VIII - The Satisfaction (23 - 24)
IX - The Sanctity (25)

The book of Genesis can easily be divided into ten distinct divisions and they are defined by the various genealogies of the book, as follows:

1. Genesis 1 - 2: 6 ''Book of Generations of Heaven and Earth''
2. Genesis 2: 7 - 6: 8 ''Book of Generations of Adam''
3. Genesis 6: 9 - 9: 29 ''Generations of Noah''
4. Genesis 10: 1 - 11: 9 ''Generations of Sons of Noah''
5. Genesis 11: 10 - 26 ''Generations of Shem''
6. Genesis 11: 27 - 25: 11 ''Generations of Terah''
7. Genesis 25: 12 - 18 ''Generations of Ishmael''
8. Genesis 25: 19 - 35: 29 ''Generations of Isaac''
9. Genesis 36: 1 - 37: 1 ''Generations of Esau''
10. Genesis 37: 2 - 50: 26 ''Generations of Jacob''

In this series we are going to cover the entire book of Genesis, all fifty chapters, during our weekly Wednesday night bible study. I will cover one chapter per week and I will strongly encourage all of our church to read along with me from week to week.

We will not have time to stop and give each subject the normal amount of allotted time that we usually do in an expository setting, but when all is said and done, everyone will have a much better grasp of this wonderful book.
I - The Sabbath (1 - 3)

Chapter two gives us an up close and personal view of what occurred during the first six days of creation. It gives us some of the more intricate details that took place and then gives us some clarity as to the seventh day.

Gen 2:1 KJV - Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.

Radius, diameter and circumference

The radius of Earth at the equator is 3,963 miles ( ...

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