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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Genesis 1:1-31
This content is part of a series.

Ten Wondrous Words (1 of 50)
Series: Genesis
Donald Cantrell
Genesis 1:1-31

Theme: ''The story of God, the creator and his creation''

I - The Creator (1a)
II - The Creation (1b)
III - The Chaos (2)
IV - The Command (3 - 19)
V - The Creatures (20 - 25)
VI - The Choicest (26 - 30)
VII - The Completion (31)

One cannot wake up and see the beautiful sunrise and not wonder as to where it came from. The same can be said as one walks out into the darkness of night and looks up into the moonlit starry skies. I have always been amazed as to how the ocean can be miles deep, yet stop on the sandy beaches of the seashore. Surely we are amazed as we look at the beauty of the Grand Canyon or see the majestic redwood trees on the west coast.

The book of Genesis gives us the foundational questions to the key of the universe, these questions are fundamental to any belief that one has in the bible, about God, and about eternity:

The Question of When ''In the Beginning''
The Question of Who ''God''
The Question of What ''Created''
The Question of Why ''Be fruitful and multiply''
The Question of Where ''The Garden of Eden''

The first eleven chapters of the book of Genesis hold the answers to who we are, where we came from, why we are here, and where we are going. The book of Genesis debunks the myth of evolution and gives us a credible source of clear and concise information as to the beginning of mankind, the fall of mankind, and the eventual redemption of mankind.

We will discuss this book chapter by chapter, so we won't break it down in very detailed expository manner, though we will look at the overall chapter and try to glean some much helpful insight as we journey through this majestic book.
I - The Creator (1a)

Gen 1:1 KJV - In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

This is one of the oddest openings ever to a book, yet this is not merely a book, this is the ''Word of God.'' There is no introduction, no precursor to lay t ...

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