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Learn to Practice God's Presence (2 of 2)
Dr. Adrian Rogers
Genesis 39

We're continuing the message that we began this morning, how to make your dreams come true. I want us in just a moment to look in Genesis chapter 39. When you have it, however, just look up here and let me see your faces for a moment. Let me recapitulate what we've already said, that it would be a tragedy indeed for you to be upon your death bed ready to die and to look back and find out that you'd never lived, that you simply existed, drawing your breath and drawing your salary--but you never really had a dream and saw that dream come true. We tried to tell you that God has a plan for everyone's life including yours. God wants that plan to burn in your bosom as a dream and then to see that dream come true. It is true that he doesn't give us all of the details of the dream, but it is true that our God plants ambitions in our hearts. They're not carnal ambitions--God has never promised to fulfill our fantasies but he does say in his word that your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. God pours out his spirit as a fulfillment of that dream, as a means of fulfilling that vision.

Jeremiah tells us that we're not to dream things of ourselves then ask God to rubberstamp them, but he does tell us, and he tells us wonderfully and beautifully, that he has a plan for us. Jeremiah 29 verse 11, "For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." God is a God of plans. "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord," and I wanted to give you five ways to make your dream come true. The very first of these is this, that you need therefore to dare to dream, you need to find the will of God for your life. We told you how you could do that, how you could know the will of God by presenting yourself to God, letting God transform your m ...

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