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by Ryan Heller

Scripture: Isaiah 53:6
This content is part of a series.

Dynamic Duo (Easter)(1 of 11)
The Best Is Yet To Come - Isaiah
Ryan Heller
Isaiah 53:6


There's an old saying, “Offense sells tickets, but defense wins championships.” I'm a little more of an offensive guy. I would rather score some points than stop somebody else from scoring. The truth is, if you're going to have a winning team, you have to play offense and defense. Both are important. If you think about it, if you score a lot of points but you give up a lot of points, your team is not going to win very many games.

The opposite is true. If you stop the other team over and over but you can't score, your team won't win. These concepts, offense and defense, go together. What's more important? Both. You need offense, you need defense. They're the dynamic duo.

Today I want to talk to you about the dynamic duo of the Christian faith. It's two things that go together, kind of like the right leg and the left leg. If I say to you, "Which leg is more important," I hope you will say, "Both. I need my left leg, and I need my right leg.”

The concepts of love and justice are like the right leg and the left leg of the Christian faith. In fact, you can't understand the resurrection of Christ if you don't understand these two things—love and justice. For years and years people have tried to say, "I'm more of a love guy," or, "I'm more of a justice guy." We put ourselves on one side of the equation, but in reality these two things are profoundly linked. The death of Jesus was the justice of God, but it was also the love of God. If we begin to subtract one of those things from the equation, we will constantly be confused about why Jesus was crucified and why He rose again on the third day.

I want you to open your Bibles to the 53rd chapter of Isaiah. We're going to be looking at an Old Testament passage that tells us some startling things about the purpose of the crucifixion and re ...

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