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by Ryan Heller

Scripture: Isaiah 43:18-21
This content is part of a series.

New Things (7 of 11)
The Best Is Yet To Come - Isaiah
Ryan Heller
Isaiah 43:18-21


I want us to open our Bibles to the 43rd chapter of the book of Isaiah. We've been in a series called The Best is Yet to Come, and I really hope you believe it applies to your life. I know you get discouraged or disheartened it's easy to not believe it, but the Bible tells us that God's mercies are new every morning. What God wants to do in your life is fresh and new, and I want to talk to you today about how God can do new things in your life and new things in our church.

Maybe it's new things in your marriage or new things in your finances or new things in your heart, new things in your connectivity to Jesus Christ or just new things in general. God wants us to be people that walk in new things. I love new things. I love to go to the cleaners and to pick up my shirts. I'm a heavy starch guy. I feel like I want to get my money's worth. Pour it on thick. I love to put on a fresh starched shirt. I love a new pair of Jordan's. I love brand-new movies. I love fresh paint on the walls. I love things that are new.

More importantly, I love when God does new things in my life. When God teaches me something I've never known before. When God takes me to places that were unexpected. The scripture reminds us today in Isaiah 43 that God is a God of new things.

Our Shake the City Project is a great reminder that God is a God of things that are new. We're calling it the Shake the City Project because every time that Jesus shows up, things begin to shake and if you read the gospels, you find that where Jesus shows up, things begin to shake, and the shaking is a good thing.

In Matthew, chapter 21, the scripture says when he entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the whole city was saying, ''Who is this?'' And the crowds kept saying, ''This is the prophet, Jesus of Nazareth.'' And that word, shaking, is the word, seismos. We ...

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