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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: Philippians 2:1-4
This content is part of a series.

One in Christ (1 of 6)
Series: Philippians 2
Stephen Whitney
Philippians 2:1-4

By nature we are selfish. The first person we think about is our self and what we desire or want that will satisfy our desires.

Chuck Swindoll told a story about one time when he was flying on a 727 which had a center aisle with 3 seats on each side of the isle.
He was sitting about halfway back when a family of 3 boarded.
Apparently, they had purchased their tickets late and were unable
to secure reserved seating in the same row.

The airline attendant assured them that there were several empty seats . . . surely someone would be willing to swap seats so they
would be able to sit together. Just in front of this family the middle and window seats were empty.

The family, which was friendly and courteous asked the gentleman on the isle if he would be willing to move from the right-side aisle seat to the left-side aisle seat. All they asked for him to do was to stand up, take two steps to the left, then sit back down, just swap seat 17D for seat 17C.

Do you think he would do it? No way. He wasn't even courteous enough to answer them verbally. He just stared straight ahead as he shook his head firmly. And when a flight attendant tactfully tried to ask him, he unloaded on her.

The guy absolutely refused to budge. This was his ''space'' and there was no way he was going to let anybody, for any reason,
take it away from him.

While you are smiling in disbelief, this is a good time to mention
''your seat'' at church. Would you be willing to give it up for
someone else or would you refuse to budge also?

Are you willing to share your rights so the needs of others might be met? Are you willing to give up what you want so that the church of Christ would grow?
Paul has just told the believers that they are all suffering together for the sake of Christ (:27-30). He now encourages them to stand united together so that the gospel can spread to those who do not
know ...

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