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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: Philippians 2:12-13
This content is part of a series.

Work Out Your Salvation (3 of 6)
Series: Philippians 2
Stephen Whitney
Philippians 2:12-13

Distinguished English writer Samuel Johnson (d. 1784) -
''Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance.''

Jackie Joyner-Kersee, 1988 Olympic gold heptathlon champion, was born in impoverished East St. Louis. From her mother, she learned the values of modesty, faith and perseverance. She said, ''My mother was an only child herself, raising a child. She wanted to protect me. I couldn't wear flashily clothes and I wasn't allowed to date until I was 18. We were so poor that I never asked for anything; instead, I immersed myself in school and sports.''

The pride that her mother instilled paid off for Jackie. She graduated in the top ten-percent of her class and she set a state high-school long-jump record. ''I never despaired,'' she said.
''I always had something to shoot for. I kept telling myself,
You've got to work hard; you've got to be successful.''

It takes perseverance to be successful in anything that you try
to accomplish. It is easy to start, but difficult to persevere.
Nehemiah 5:16 I persevered in the work on this wall.
He encouraged the people to work hard and they rebuild
the wall around the city of Jerusalem in just 52 days.

God wants believers to keep keeping on in their faith.
Salvation is a gift given to us by God as a result of believing
Jesus Christ died for your sins to be forgiven. Accepting Christ
is the first step in become the person God wants me to be.
It takes the rest of our life to become like Jesus Christ.

OUR RESPONSIBILITY - Be diligent :12
Therefore - so then meaning consequently (4:1).
Here is the practical application of the illustration
of Jesus humbling himself to fulfill the will of God (:6-8).
Jesus was faithful to God throughout his whole life. What he began to do by taking ofn a human body he continued to do until his death for our sins. His life is an examp ...

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