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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: Philippians 2:25-30
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Servant's Character (6 of 6)
Series: Philippians 2
Stephen Whitney
Philippians 2:25-30

During World War II, Great Britain needed to increase her production of coal, so Winston Churchill called the labor leaders together to enlist their support. He asked them to picture a great parade through the streets of London at the end of the war.

First would come the sailors who kept the vital sea lanes open.
Then, the soldiers who had safely returned from Dunkirk and who had eventually gone to defeat Rommel in North Africa. Then, would come the pilots who had driven off the German air force.

Finally, Churchill said, there would come a long line of sweat-
stained, soot-streaked men in their miner's caps. Some in the crowd would ask where they were during the critical days of the
struggle. And from thousands of mouths would come the answer,
''We were deep in the earth with our faces in the coal.''

They would not receive any publicity or prominence, but their faithful service would have kept the army marching, the ships sailing and the planes flying. Servants are like that: they do the work behind the scenes to make things successful, but they don't receive the publicity or prominence of others.

What does it take to have a servant's heart?
Dependability - others can count on you.
Humility - you think of others instead of yourself.
Faithfulness - you continue to serve all the time.
Perseverance - you continue to serve when it is difficult.
Trustworthiness - you will do what is right.

Because Paul could not send Timothy right away (:19) he was going to send another trusted servant who the people in Philippi knew and respected so he could find out how they were doing.

Necessary - Gk. indispensable meaning cannot do without.
Epaphroditus - Gk. charming or lovely. Maybe he was a beautiful baby like Moses (Exodus 2:2 a fine child). He is only mentioned again in 4:18 where he gave the gift from the Philippians to Paul.

Paul ...

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