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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Genesis
This content is part of a series.

Table Talks- Devotional (7 of 12)
Series: Table Talks
Donald Cantrell

This is part 7 of a 12 part series that offers the reader a 365 day daily devotional called ''Table Talks.'' The series comes from the book of Genesis and deals with people, places, and things throughout the book. Every day you will find bible verses, commentary, an alliterated outline, and a quote to go along with the subject for that day. I am confident that these devotionals will help you in your studies. Today's series offers you insight from Genesis 24 through Genesis 28, and you will find 31 alliterated outlines.

July 1st

Gen 24:34 KJV - And he said, I [am] Abraham's servant.

Gen 15:2 KJV - And Abram said, Lord GOD, what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house [is] this Eliezer of Damascus?

Early on in the story of Abraham we read of God promising to make a great nation from his seed and Abraham becoming stressed by the news, because he was well past the age of bearing children and all he had in the form of any type of heir was a servant by the name of Eliezer.

Eliezer is a very odd character in the bible; his name is never mentioned as he does all that he can to find a bride for his master. He fulfills his role with no fanfare, with no self promotion, but stays the course for his master.

I - His Name and Relationship

II - His Need and Resolve

III - His Nature and Role

Eliezer means ''God is help'' and this proved to be true in his life. This servant of Abraham lived to honor his master and it was his assigned task to go and find a bride for his master's son. He fulfilled this task with unwavering faith and fortitude as he travelled for nearly 1000 miles to find a bride for Isaac. This servant of Abraham never sought the limelight for himself, but he always mentioned his master and he stayed the course to please him. As servants of the Lord Jesus Christ we should always place him in the limelight.

Heart of a Serva ...

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