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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: Genesis 1:26-27
This content is part of a series.

Gender Confusion (7)
Series: Genesis
Robert Dawson
Genesis 1:26-27

In the 1939 classic, The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy is caught in a tornado that transports her and her dog, Toto, to a magical land called Oz. When Dorothy and Toto awaken in Oz, she utters that now famous line, ''Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'' That phrase, which has become part of American culture and language, means ''we have stepped outside of what is considered normal, we have entered a place or circumstance that is unfamiliar, strange and uncomfortable.''

For Dorothy and Toto, things were different. Unrecognizable. I have had that same thought and feeling often as of late. When I look at the cultural and moral landscape of today, compared to what I knew growing up, I think ''I'm not in Kansas anymore.'' When I look at the cultural and moral landscape of today, compared to what I knew coming out of seminary 20 years ago, I think, ''I'm not in Kansans anymore.'' When I look at the cultural and moral landscape of today, compared to what I knew just 10 years ago, I think, ''I'm not in Kansas anymore.''

The speed at which things have and are changing is disturbingly breathtaking. One comedian, Lily Tomlin, said, ''I'm trying hard to be cynical, but I just can't keep up.'' Times have changed just that quickly.

As I talk about those changes, I'm not trying to be cynical. Nor am I trying to be sappy, sentimental, nostalgic or old fashioned. The changes that leave me wide-eyed, perplexed, troubled and scratching my head have nothing to do with technology or style. Technology is always advancing - like it or not. Style, fashion and methodology is always changing - like it or not.

As I say this, I'm not pining for the 70s, 80s or 90s again. Some of us still haven't lived those style choices down!!

What concerns me and leaves me with the thought that we've left Kansas far behind is the speed and at which society has abandoned traditional moral and biblical values, on ...

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