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by Ryan Heller

Scripture: Galatians 3:27-29, Galatians 4:1-7
This content is part of a series.

The A-Team (3 of 5)
Series: I Love My Life
Ryan Heller
Galatians 3:26-29, 4:1-7

To kick things off this morning, we are going to check out this powerful story of adoption. This week, I had the opportunity to talk to the Jones' family a little about their experience. They have been long time friends of Gena and me. They told me the story about how they adopted this little girl named Eliana.

You heard a little bit about it in the video, but in China at the age of fourteen, the orphanages will often times let go of the fourteen-year-olds because they have so many kids, and they want to take in the younger children. Obviously, at fourteen, you're not really ready to be an adult and be on your own.

Lots of times, these children end up on the streets. They are involved in drugs and prostitution and all kinds of other things. They heard about this girl, Eliana, who was about to be released, and they really felt God prompting them to adopt her. Amazingly enough, it was only a month before her fourteenth birthday at the time when she would be released. In that one-month period of time, they were able to raise thirty thousand dollars to go over there and adopt her and get all the paperwork done, which was just like a miracle from God.

Here's what is maybe the most compelling part of this whole story: The people in China, at the orphanage, did not even list Eliana as available for adoption because she had a mild form of cerebral palsy. Her left hand is not formed all the way, and she walks with a limp. They really believed there wouldn't be anybody that would ever want a girl like that, and so she wasn't even listed as a child that was available for adoption until these final few weeks.

Amazingly enough, Bill and Kelly went to adopt her. She came back to America, and if you can, just imagine being in an orphanage and being abandoned by your parents at fourteen. Imagine not having a family, not feeling loved, not feeling accepted, and having some physi ...

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