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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: Mark 2:17
This content is part of a series.

Depression (1 of 3)
Series: You Asked for It
Jordan Easley
Mark 2:17

As we begin, I want to remind you that I didn't select our sermon topic this morning-you did! That's what's so fun about this series-You Asked For It-we get to find out what your question are and what you want to hear.

Something else that's fascinating to me... is that no matter what your question may be... God's Word has an answer... and this morning we're going to see God's Answer when it comes to the reality of DEPRESSION.

Depression is a mental illness... and surprisingly, in a recent study conducted by Lifeway Research... 66% of Pastors have never addressed any form of mental illness from the pulpit. Another statistic that got my attention is that 23% of Pastors currently suffer from depression.

This is something we don't talk about. Depression is a silent illness... an invisible disease that is a reality in our churches, families, and in our communities... and I believe it's something that NEEDS to be talked about, because depression is a killer.

[American Foundation of Suicide Prevention] In America, approximately 40,000 people take their own life every single year. In 2014, there were 43, 773 reported cases of suicide in our country.

It's the 3rd leading cause of death for Americans-ages 15-24.
It's the 2nd leading cause of death for Americans-ages 24-35.

You know what that means? That means that every day 117 people take their own life on American soil. It means that 1 person commits suicide in our country every 12.3 minutes. That means that 3 people will lose ALL HOPE and take their own life before this message is over.

And you know what the statistics show us? About 80% of these people could have been and would have been diagnosed as clinically depressed.

Dr. Bertram Brown of the Institute for Mental Health says, ''of those who commit suicide, it has been determined that over 80% were definitely depressed. One of the most common things that occurs pr ...

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