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by Palitha Jayasooriya

Scripture: Hebrews 13:5

3 Ways God Cares for His Children
Palitha Jayasooriya
Hebrews 13:5


In an interview with The Reader's Digest magazine, Grammy Award-winning pop singer Gloria Estefan spoke graciously about her year one teacher, Dorothy Collins, who helped shape her early English language skills. Gloria has in fact spoken many times of that period in her life and the challenges she faced (including severe teasing), as a foreign student, particularly due to her inability to communicate in English. However, Gloria received assistance in her language skills and was given the confidence to persevere by her teacher, Dorothy Collins.

Eventually, Gloria won the class reading prize and went on to study languages at University. She also built a highly successful international career in pop music. Said Gloria, ''My year one teacher didn't just teach me the language; she helped me find my voice.''

What a difference it makes when someone cares for us and what a difference it made for Gloria Estefan! On the other hand however, how many people are suffering unimaginable pain today because they feel that no one cares for them. Many people even feel that there is no one they can trust anymore. In fact, situations and relationships around us can change very rapidly, leaving us perplexed and uncertain about tomorrow and the future. I recently heard a gentleman say, ''No one cares for me anymore''.

In the midst of all the uncertainties and rejections we face, we can rest assured in the fact that God's care for His children will never fail us. He has assured us ''Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you'' (Hebrews 13:5)

Proposition: God's shows His care for His children in many unmistakable ways

In this sermon, I would like to speak about 3 ways God shows His care for us. They are:

1. His Provision:
Are you in need of God's provision today? Is there a situation in your life in which you need to experience His answer to your prayer for provision? God ...

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