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by Bob Ingle

Scripture: Mark 6:7-13
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Discipleship Diamonds (15 of 48)
Series: The Gospel of Mark
Bob Ingle
Mark 6:7-13

Well, let's open our bibles to the book of Mark. If you're a guest with us, we're glad that you're here. We're going through the gospel of Mark, verse by verse, chapter by chapter, we do this every week, and we believe that God speaks through this book by the power of His Holy Spirit, and that He strengthens our resolve, He strengthens our spirit, He strengthens our mind, He teaches us who we are and who He is, and what we're supposed to be doing. That's why we dive into this every single week.

We're going to look at a brief paragraph that has great significance, because it teaches us, again, it deepens our direction of what we're supposed to be doing while we're waiting. As a Christian, sometimes we're like, what am I supposed to be doing? This tells us, once again, this is what we're supposed to be doing. This is what, we're not just waiting on Him, we're serving as we're waiting.

As a matter of fact as you look through, especially the four Gospels, but through the New Testament, you find that Jesus is doing three things over and over again. 1) He saves His people. Jesus says ''I've come to seek and to save that which was lost,'' and that's all of us apart from Him. So we were born apart from Him, enemies, at enmity with God, it says. He has come to reconcile us in our relationship with God. He does that through the gospel.

We have a paragraph, we have a definition, because we want everyone to know exactly what the gospel is. It is this: The gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ, that He perfectly fulfilled the law, that He sacrificially died for sin, and that He physically rose from the dead to permanently reconcile us to a holy God through repentance of sin and faith in Him. That's what the gospel is. So Jesus saves people through His gospel. He died for us, He rose from the dead, now He says, ''Come to Me, turn from sin, and turn toward Me.''

But He does ju ...

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