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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: Philippians 1:1-5
This content is part of a series.

On My Mind (1 of 6)
Series: Philippians: Joy in the Lord
Stephen Whitney
Philippians 1:1-5

Paul writes to the believers in Philippi 20 years after he had first planted a church there as he is now under house arrest in Rome. He tells them that they were always on his mind even though he had not been physically present with them for the last two years.

Because of the common faith we share in Christ, it is possible to be close to other believers spiritually even though you are miles away from them physically. Our fellowship is based on our common faith and salvation we have in Christ no matter where we are.

Charles Williams - ''The purpose was to pour out his feelings and affections for the Christians there; to warn them against false teachers; to show how his sufferings have contributed to his own Christian development; to show his optimism and joy in spite of his imprisonment. It is a personal letter and a joy letter.''

COMMON GREETING:1-2 Position :1 Servants - Gk. one who willing to serve the will of another. Instead of doing what they want to do, they do what the other person wants them to do. They willing give up their rights.

Because Paul and Timothy have been freed from the punishment of sin by the sacrifice of Christ, they willingly devote themselves to do what he wants them to do with their lives.

The word servant emphasizes their submission to Christ's will and their dependance upon him day by day. They are serving Christ, not their own desires. In :21 For me to live is Christ. For Paul serving Christ was the focus and goal of his life.

Saints - Gk. set apart to serve God. The word is used of everyone who believes in Jesus Christ as their Savior (4:21 greet every saint, 22 all the saints greet you). Because their sins have been forgiven and they are now to live a holy life that honors God who saved them from their sins. Philippi - received its name from Philip, the father of Alexander the Great. It was now a Roman city in M ...

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