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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: Philippians 1:6-8
This content is part of a series.

Confident Expectation (2 of 6)
Series: Philippians: Joy in the Lord
Stephen Whitney
Philippians 1:6-8

One day Billy and Ruth Graham were driving through a long stretch of road construction. They had numerous slowdowns, detours and stops along the way. After a long time, they reached the end of all that construction and smooth pavement stretched out in front of them. Then a sign caught Ruth's attention which read: ''End of construction. Thanks for your patience.'' She commented to Billy that those words would be a fitting inscription on her tombstone someday.

All believers are ''under construction.'' When we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, we begin a lifelong process of spiritual growth as the Holy Spirit begins the process of changing us.

God wants to change our sinful character, which is sinful and selfish to become godly and holy. That takes time, really it takes the rest of our lives to become what God wants us to be.

A.W. Tozer - ''Sin had done a pretty complete job of ruining us and the process of restoration is long and slow.''

Think of the sins in your life that are hard for you to change. Maybe it is: anger, jealously, lust, rebellion, or pride. You think that you have overcome that sin, but something happens and that same old sin once again raises its ugly head.

Don't become discouraged because God will continue to work in your life for as long as you live to make you like Jesus Christ.

ETERNAL SECURITY :6 Sure conviction - I am sure of this. Sure (KJB confident) - Gk. to believe or be persuaded. 1:14 having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment. 2:24 I trust in the Lord that shortly I myself will come. He was confident he would be released from house arrest in Rome and that then he be able to come visit them.

R.C. Sproul - ''Paul wrote to them to encourage the saints with the knowledge that they would grow in grace and wisdom. He wrote them to encourage them not to despair because of the ongoing reality of their ...

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