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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: Philippians 1:19-26
This content is part of a series.

In Life or Death (5 of 6)
Series: Philippians: Joy in the Lord
Stephen Whitney
Philippians 1:19-26

Life is filled with dilemmas and Charles Schulz had a way of illustrating them in his famous ''Peanuts'' cartoons in which Charlie Brown was often frustrated with the problems of life.

In one cartoon Lucy was philosophizing and Charlie was listening. As usual, Lucy was delivering one of her dogmatic lectures to him. ''Charlie Brown,'' she begins, ''Life is a lot like a deck chair. Some place it so they can see where they are going. Others place it to see where they have been. And some so they can see where they are at the present.'' Charlie sighs, ''I can't even get mine unfolded.''

Sometimes we can really identify with Charlie. Life's dilemmas leave us confused and not certain what to do. We find ourselves between a rock and a hard place. There is an old saying, ''On the horns of a dilemma'' where the horns refer to a bull which may throw an object from one horn to another.

Usually, dilemmas are unpleasant because we are forced to make a choice between two things that we really do not what to have to chose between. We can be faced with different kinds of dilemmas:

Physically - we want to do two different things but they are taking place at the same time so we can only choose to do one of them.

Emotionally - can be even harder to deal with because of your feelings for the person you are having a problem with. Because you care about them it is difficult to challenge or confront them.

Spiritually - we may have a struggle between what we want to do and what we know God wants us to do to honor him.

The song ''You Are My King'' expresses what should be the desire of our hearts. ''It's my joy to honor you. In all I do. To honor you. I'm forgiven because you were forsaken. I'm accepted, you were condemned. I'm alive and well. Your Spirit is within me.''

CHRIST EXALTED :19-20 Paul believed that because of their prayers for him and with the h ...

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