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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: Philippians 1:27-30
This content is part of a series.

Spiritual Challenge (6 of 6)
Series: Philippians: Joy in the Lord
Stephen Whitney
Philippians 1:27-30

Oliver Cromwell was an English general who led the army against King Charles I in the English Civil War. He ruled over the land from 1653-1658. During that time there was a serious shortage of currency, so he sent a group of men to search for silver to make more coins. After searching for several months, they filled a report, ''We have searched the empire in vain for find silver. To our dismay, we found none except in the great cathedrals, where the saints are constructed of choice silver.''

When he heard the discouraging report, he issued this order: ''Let's melt down the saints and put them into circulation.''

Christians need to be part of the culture in order to: - Confront evil practices - abortion, homosexually. - Demonstrate the love of Christ - compassion. - Offer hope of salvation - eternal life with Christ. - Share their faith in Christ - what he has done for them.

STAND IN UNITY :27 Godly life Only - Gk. with one focus or for one purpose (2:12,27). I want you to focus on one thing until I come (:26).

Manner of life (KJB conversation) - Gk. behave as a citizen. Since Philippi was a Roman colony the people living there were Roman citizens. They enjoyed all the rights and privileges therefore they were to act like citizens by keeping the laws.

Worthy of the gospel - believers are to live holy lives to bring honor to Christ their Savior as citizens of his eternal kingdom. 3:20 Our citizenship is in heaven and from it we wait a Savior.

We have heard the saying, ''Rank has its privileges.''
Paul says, ''Being a Christian has its responsibilities.''
Christians are to live their lives as citizens of heaven.

Living a life that honors Christ our Savior means:

- Being honest in what you say.
- Doing what is right according to God's law.
- Caring about those who are hurting.
- Treating everyone with dignity and respect.
- Obe ...

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