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by Scott Maze

Scripture: Ephesians 1:3-5
This content is part of a series.

Four Gifts When God Adopts You (3 of 5)
Series: I'm Blessed: Ephesians
Scott Maze
Ephesians 1:3-5

Welcome to all those watching online as well as those worshipping with us in person.

Do You Know Who You Are? I don't mean if you have proper identification. So many people struggle with the security of knowing who they are really are. Let me tell you a quick story of a United Airlines gate agent. A United Airlines gate agent in Denver, Colorado, several years was confronted with a passenger who was acting extremely rude and demanding. This United flight had just been cancelled and this one agent had the unenviable task of rebooking a long line of travelers and they were all upset because they had been inconvenienced. Suddenly, an angry passenger pushed his way to the front of the line, stood before the agent's desk, slapped his ticket down on the counter and said, ''I've got to be on the next flight and it had better be first class!'' The agent said, ''Sir, I'm very sorry for the inconvenience you are going through and I'll be happy to help you, but you are going to have to get back in line and wait your turn and I'll do everything I can to work something out.'' This just made this man even more angry. So in a voice loud enough so that everyone could hear him he said, ''Look at me. Do you have any idea who I am?'' At this moment and without hesitation, the gate agent smiled, grabbed the public address microphone where she could be heard throughout the entire area. She then said, ''May I have your attention please? We have a passenger here at gate 42 who does not know who he is. If anyone can help him find his identity would you please come to the gate?'' Most of us have seen that guy before or dealt with someone like this guy. But the agent raises a great question: Do You Know Who You Are?

The cross of Jesus gives you a great gift to enjoy right now. The gospel frees you up to be the person you were made to be.

Locate the book of Ephesians with me. I ...

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