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by Ryan Heller

Scripture: Matthew 6:19-24
This content is part of a series.

Money Triggers (1 of 5)
Series: Triggers
Ryan Heller
Matthew 6:19-24

1. Heart Check-Where is your treasure?
2. Eye Exam-What is your focus?
3. Will Assessment-Who is your master?

Today we are kicking off a brand-new series entitled, ''Triggers.'' Usually, we encounter situations that aren't a big deal, but sometimes, things will set us off, something will trigger an emotion or a feeling, something will snap, something will change. And maybe even after the situation, we wonder, ''Why was that such a big deal?'' Triggers are something that we all experience. You might think, ''This person doesn't bother me, but, oh my goodness, if I get around that person, it can set me off.'' Or, ''This situation, no big deal, but, oh, my goodness, if I find out this information or somebody tells me something different, watch out!''

Over the next few weeks, we're going to be looking at this compelling series and the topic of overcoming triggers in our lives. Overcoming the things that set us off. I think that you can probably divide triggers into three main categories. Those three main categories: people, money, and stress. I call it the PMS Triggers. We all encounter a little bit of PMS, and we can all get set off in different ways.


Truly one of the most significant triggers in our lives is our finances. Money can trigger things in us that we didn't even know existed. Money is a funny thing because if you have it, you worry about keeping it. If you don't have it, you worry about trying to get it. If you're somewhere in between, you worry about both. All of us today, regardless of our financial standing, struggle with feeling, ''Do I have enough? Am I going to be able to keep what I've got? Am I going to be okay? Is my family going to be okay?''

And many times, the result of these feelings can be fear. We fear that we aren't saving enough for retirement. Or, sometimes, it's guilt because maybe we spent money ...

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