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by Lenny Ports

Scripture: Luke 1:26

He Is Here
Lenny Ports
Luke 1:26

Have you ever thought what it would be like to sit down and talk with God? Or what it must have been like to be here when Jesus was here 2000 years ago? The truth is we can talk with God, but many of us don't. We are either afraid to or we don't really believe that God would speak to us. But to me the best part of my relationship with God is talking to Him and hearing Him speak to me.

I remember when I was around 20, I was laying in my bed one night, and I prayed, ''God, let me feel your presence. I want to know you are real.'' I don't know why I prayed that prayer, but while I laid there in the bottom bunk with my brother sleeping above me, I was in the presence of God. It was so real, I could feel Him. And then I said something strange to Him. I said, ''God, while you're here, could you help me sell my car?'' Well, as ridiculous as that prayer was, my car was sold in no time. I knew that it was God who did it.

All throughout Scripture, there are stories of men and women who have communicated with God. There are thousands of stories documented in the Word of God where God spoke to people.

When Jesus came as a Babe in Bethlehem 2000 years ago, there were messages sent from heaven to earth. Infinite Almighty and Eternal God sent messages to ordinary people like you and me. I believe that Messages from Heaven came to announce not only that JESUS the Messiah is here, but that God would reveal more of His nature to us in Christ:

Jesus came to make the Impossible POSSIBLE

We all face impossible situations. How will I get through this life? How can I get over the loss of my husband? Can my marriage ever be saved? Will my son ever come back to God? Will I ever be happy with myself? Do I have to continue to live in poverty forever? Will my hope ever be restored?

God knows your struggles. He is a very present help in the time of Need. Mary faced an impossible situation that ONLY GOD could come through for her on. L ...

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