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by Craig Smith

Scripture: Titus 3:1-8
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Submitting to the Good Life (4 of 4)
Series: The Good Life
Craig Smith
Titus 3:1-8

I. Introduction

[ad lib transition from Good Life Story video]

We're in a series right now called The Good Life and we believe, because the Bible teaches it, that God wants us to have a good life. He wants us to have a life filled with joy, peace, hope, meaning, and significance. The problem we face is that there are two very different definitions of the good life that we all have to deal with. There's the world's definition and there are Gods. The world says the good life is all about getting good for ourselves. But God says the good life is all about giving good to others.

And the reality is that we're all stuck somewhere in between those opposite extremes. None of us are completely focused on just getting good things for ourselves and none of us are completely focused on giving good, or doing good, for others. We're all stuck somewhere in between. And one of the goals of this series is that it would help each us move from wherever we are on that spectrum a little bit more in the direction of God's definition...because that's the only way to actually experience the good life God always intended for us.

But how do we know where we are on the spectrum? How do we know whether we're more on the side of the world's definition or God's definition? Well today, we're going to talk about a surprising thermometer than can tell us a lot about where we are. And that thermometer is: how we respond to those who have authority over us.

Listen, how we respond to authority tells us a lot about what version of the good life we're pursuing.

And I know that might seem like a strange thing to say, but if you'll grab a bible and turn with me to Titus 3, I'll show you why I say that. In the passage we're going to unpack today, we're basically going to see four things:

1. How we're supposed to respond to authority in our lives

2. Why it matters how we respond to auth ...

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