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MARY (7 OF 8)

by Jordan Easley

Scripture: Luke 1
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Mary (7 of 8)
Series: Staying Faithful in Seasons of Uncertainty
Jordan Easley
Luke 1

''Peer Pressure'' is a concept that is usually spoken of to children, teenagers and college students... but when you think about it, we as adults face just as much ''social pressure'' from our peers as young people do.

Our kids face pressure to conform to the world and to be accepted by the people around them, and if we're being honest, we as adults feel that same way to a certain degree. All of us face some form of peer pressure-whether it be at work or school or socially... All of us want to be accepted and all of us want to fit in.

And that sense of belonging didn't start with our generation. From the very beginning of mankind, we've had a desire to be accepted... and a desire to belong... and that's true for all of us today.

But with that being understood, let me ask you a question: How will you respond when God calls you to DO something... or God calls you to BE something... that the world doesn't understand?

Today, we're going to take a look at the life of a young peasant girl in the Bible. She lived in the tiny village of Nazareth and was chosen by God to give birth to His Son, the Messiah. Her name was MARY and we're going to look at her story today in Luke chapter 1.

Mary is mentioned by name 12 times in the book of Luke... 5 times in the book of Matthew... 1 time in the book of Mark... and 1 more time in the book of Acts. We don't know much about her background or her personal life, but Luke does give us a little bit of insight regarding her family.

For instance, we know that her father's name was Eli... her sisters name was Salome... and she had a relative named Elizabeth as well. Luke also lets us know that Mary was young... and she was poor... she was a devout believer in God... and she was also very much in love.

And as we read the Christmas story, we find this young girl named Mary... facing a serious season of uncertainty.

[Luke 1: ...

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