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by Adrian Rogers

Scripture: GENESIS 24, GENESIS 24:1

The Romance of Redemption
Adrian Rogers
Genesis 24

You will remember, if you've been attending here for the last several weeks, that we are in a series of messages, and we're calling them Portraits of Christ in the Old Testament. Por- traits of Christ in the Old Testament. But we've told you that all of the Bible is about Jesus. The Old Testament says that somebody is coming. The epistle say that somebody has come. Uh, excuse me, the Gospels say that somebody has come. And the epistles and the revelations say that somebody is coming again. And that somebody is the Lord Jesus Christ. All of the Bible is about Christ. Jesus said in the Book of John, ''Search the Scripture,'' and at that time he was talking about the Old Testament because the New Testament had not yet been written. ''Search the Scriptures,'' he said, ''For these are they which testify of Me.'' And so, when you read the Old Testament, somewhere standing in the shadows, you're going to find Jesus. Now, it's an interesting thing that these Old Test- ament prophets spoke of Jesus and painted portraits of Jesus before He had ever come upon this earth.

How would you like to paint a portrait of someone you'd never seen? That's exactly what these Old Testament prophets did. By the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, they painted portraits of Jesus, the One that they had never seen. Now, we've already seen last week in Genesis, Chap- ter 22, how Isaac, the son of Abraham, was a type, a picture, a prophecy, a portrait of the Lord Jesus Christ. And I don't have time to re-preach that mes- sage, but I want to tell you that in Genesis, Chap- ter 22, we saw that Isaac pictured Christ because of, uh, his miraculous birth that told us of Jesus' virgin birth. Isaac pictured Christ because of his marvelous life that reminded us of Jesus' virtuous life. Isaac pictured Christ because of his death there on Mount Moriah which pictured Jesus' sacrificial death. Isaac died, uh, figuratively, uh, there on Mount Moriah. ...

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