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by Will McGee

Scripture: Exodus 1:8, Exodus2:10
This content is part of a series.

When God Seems Hidden (1 of 11)
Series: Exodus
Will McGee
Exodus 1:8-2:10

INTRODUCTION: On Monday of this week, I celebrated my 34th birthday. I don't know about you, but I get very reflective and introspective on birthdays. At 34, I'm at a strange age. I'm not an old man. And 34 years doesn't automatically make me wise. But I'm also not young and naïve anymore either. I have some life under my belt. In my 34 years of life on this earth, with nearly 10 of those being a pastor. I don't have it all figured out, but I have come to be certain of at least two things:

1.) Everyone has a struggle.
2.) Everyone was created to worship.

Unfortunately, however, it is often our struggles that influence how and what we worship. Or hinder us from worshipping fully. If we want to worship God, know God, enjoy God to the fullest; If we want to experience what Jesus calls, the ''abundant life;'' We must first learn what it means to be free--free from the weight of our struggles--so we can be free to worship.

Today, we are beginning a study of the Book of Exodus. Exodus is a book about freedom. Freedom from slavery... Freedom from our struggle. It is a story that tells of the power of God to redeem us from the things that enslave us, torment us, inflict pain on us. Whether it is addiction, depression, abuse, sickness, loss, fear, suffering, poverty, broken dreams, unmet expectations, unfulfilled desires... The story of Exodus tells us we don't have to have to be a slave to those things... The story of Exodus tells us that we do not have to be defined by our struggle/suffering. But that we can be free from it.

Exodus is also a story about worship. God gives us freedom. But freedom to do what?

To worship him. --''Let my people go...... that they may worship me!'' The Exodus story shows us that true freedom... The kind of freedom that brings life... Is to know, worship, and obey, the living God who redeems us.

Everyone has a struggle... Everyone was created ...

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