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by Will McGee

Scripture: Exodus 4, Exodus 5, Exodus 6
This content is part of a series.

Pharoah's Fall (4 of 11)
Series: Exodus
Will McGee
Exodus 4-6


One of the great lies we believe... Is that if we live the life that God has called us to live... That there will be no struggle. That it will be easy.

Earlier this week, Rebekah and I spent the afternoon with about 15-20 of the church planters that Crossroads supports through our work with the Summit Network. These are young men and women who are currently being trained to start new churches in cities all over North America.

You can see it in their faces... They are so excited. In the recent past, they have felt a clear calling from God that is what he wants them to do. They've started recruiting a team.... They've started fundraising... People are affirming their calling... Supporting their vision. Everything is going great. There was so much anticipation, enthusiasm, and excitement in the room. They all have a strategy, a plan...

But I think of what Mike Tyson said... ''Everybody has a plan, until they punched in the mouth.''

And Rebekah and I ministered to these church planters, we didn't sugarcoat it. We said, ''Look I know you're excited right now... But you need to be prepared because you do not battle against flesh and blood. When you step out to do God's will in your life... There will be resistance. There will be people who are unimpressed with your new church. There is a devil/demonic powers that will not want your church to succeed.'' We explained to them; ''Don't be discouraged when these things happen. The redemption plan of God is seldom easy. When you set out to do the will of God, there will be struggles.''

Redemption is seldom easy... And is rarely goes how we plan. And we will be tempted to revert course.

Some of you... There is a sin pattern in your life, that you are ready to put to death... And find freedom from. You decide to go to Celebrate Recovery... But a bad day at work... Or a fight with a friend... Will tempt you go back to that ...

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