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by Will McGee

Scripture: Exodus 14
This content is part of a series.

Crossing the Red Sea (6 of 11)
Series: Exodus
Will McGee
Exodus 14

INTRODUCTION: In Gowanus, Brooklyn there is a furniture store called ReFoundry. They take second-hand materials (other people's trash), and refashion it into high-quality handmade furniture. But more importantly, they are known for their business model/hiring practices. You see, they exclusively hire formerly incarcerated people. They Apprentice them as furniture makers--then give them freedom to create and sell their own furniture in their stores--to create their own businesses. This not only gives them income, but it gives them a purpose.

I want you to imagine what it must be like to be a prisoner for 15-20 years. Finally, you receive the news that you've been paroled. You are free to leave the prison walls. Think of the excitement, the joy, the freedom you would experience as you collect your things and walk out of the gates. Freedom! At last!

But now imagine the days and weeks that follow. Have you ever considered how difficult re-entry into normal life it must be for these people? During their imprisonment... It was bondage... But they knew where the meals would come from. They had shelter and a bed secured for them. It was bondage... But it was predictable. Now, they are released into the real world. They have to provide for themselves. They have to overcome the stigma of being an ex-convict. They have to learn to make their way in the world.

They are free... But living as a free person can be very difficult.

This is why in NYC 42% of criminals will end up back in prison within 3 years of their release.

This furniture store-The ReFoundry--recognizes that freedom is hard for those who are used to being imprisoned. It is not enough to be free from prison... They must be free for a greater purpose. And the ReFoundry offers this to their employees. They help them live into their new freedom.

Being a Christian is a lot like this.... We know we are free... We have been ...

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