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by Will McGee

Scripture: Exodus 32
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Spiritual Adultery (9 of 11)
Series: Exodus
Will McGee
Exodus 32

We're going to look at Exodus 32 this morning. I know last week... We studied Exodus 19-20... So why are we skipping 12 chapters? In those 12 chapters, three things happen.

First, God spends 3-4 chapters elaborating on the Ten Commandments. And if you remember after God gave them the law, what did they say...--''We will do everything the Lord has said!''

They are committing to God as his people... This is like an engagement. They say, ''I do. I will. Be faithful.''

Second, (in ch. 24) - God reestablishes his covenant with the people of Israel. He reminds them the promises he made their ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob... That they would be a great nation. That God would bless them... Give them a land.... And through them, God would bless the whole world.

And he commits to them. He says, ''I do. I will. Be faithful.''

After this... Moses goes up to the mountain where God's presence is and he begins talking with God... He is there for forty days and forty nights...

Third, while Moses is on the mountain.... God begins telling Moses about how to build the Tabernacle.

We're going to study the tabernacle in detail in a few weeks. But here is what you need to know... For the sake of our time together today:

All throughout the Exodus story, God has sort of led from a distance. Moses has mediated between God and Israel. When God led them out of Egypt it was in a cloud of fire. Now he is on the mountain--Israelites at the foot of the mountain--God's presence is at the top of the mountain (fire, thunder, and lightning).

The tabernacle though... Is God telling Moses, ''I want to come and dwell among my people.''

They were living in tents... God wanted a tent built for him among the people. God's actual presence was going to be with his people... They were living in tents in the wilderness... He was going to come and live with them. This is a ...

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