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THE NAME (10 OF 11)

by Will McGee

Scripture: Exodus 33, Exodus 34
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The Name (10 of 11)
Series: Exodus
Will McGee
Exodus 33-34


What do you want?

What do you really want? Can you answer this?

This is the question we're all asking in some way.

But one thing I've noticed in my own life... Is that the things I want... Can change from season to season. I want this relationship. I want that accomplishment. I want this level of security. But when those things are acquired... I'm never fully satisfied.... I think, ''well now I want this other thing.''

This the question the Israelites wrestled with... ''We want to be free from Pharaoh.''
Moses rounds them up. Stands before Pharaoh, Pharoah punishes them - They say, ''Moses why did you rock the boat?''

They say they want to be free from slavery. God rescues them... Then they say, ''Remember the food in Egypt?''

They say to God, ''We will do everything you tell us to do!'' -- Then they say, ''Let's worship a golden calf.''

The story of Israel is a story of people who can't quite figure out what they want.

Do they want to be free? Do they want to obey the Lord? Do they want the Promised Land? Or do they want to go back to the way things were in Egypt?

Throughout our study of Exodus, we've seen just how similar we are to the Israelites. We're never fully sure what we want... What we're looking for. So, we oscillate from one position to the other. I want to honor God! I want to go my own way.

The story of Exodus begins in slavery. The Israelites were God's chosen people, but they were unable to experience God's presence and power because they were enslaved. So God intervened. He wanted to know them... He wanted to be with them... He wanted a relationship with his people... He didn't want them to merely have stories about him from their grandparents... He wanted them to know him. So, he delivered them from slavery. He saved them. Brought them to himself.

And his presence went before them, led them out of Egypt... Into a w ...

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