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by Will McGee

Scripture: Exodus 35
This content is part of a series.

Tabernacle (11 of 11)
Series: Exodus
Will McGee
Exodus 35

In August, we began studying the book of Exodus... Today, we come to the final sermon in this study...

Recap: God brought them out of slavery. Defeated their oppressors... Gave them dignity... Provided for them... Walked with them... God continually shows his mercy to them. He has led them through the wilderness toward the promise land... By a pillar of cloud and fire. Now he says to them... I don't want to lead you from off ahead in the distance... I want to come and dwell among you. I want to be with you. I want you to build a tabernacle where I will dwell... In your camp.

I could teach a whole series on the tabernacle... But for today, it's helpful to know that the Tabernacle has essentially two purposes:

1. It is there to aid in Israel's worship of God. It is the place where they know that God is present, and that he can be encountered there.

If you remember the story of the Garden of Eden... Where God came and walked with Adam and Eve in the garden... There was a specific place where they could meet God... The tabernacle is a like a type of Eden (one author calls the tabernacle ''Eden remixed''). The tabernacle is where God comes to dwell with his people. And where they can walk with him.

2. It is from the tabernacle, that God's glory will spread into the world.
God is making a place... A very specific place... In the very midst of the chaos and danger of the wilderness... In that place, there is order, there is worship... There is beauty... There is God himself. Holding things together.

It's nothing extraordinary in the eyes of outsiders... It's basically a tent... But in that tent, God's presence dwells.

The tabernacle is the place where God's glory comes down... Where the people experience God, and from there they radiate his glory to the rest of the world.

Do you remember a few weeks ago--Moses encountering God--and his face was r ...

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