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MOSES (1 OF 8)

by Jordan Easley

Scripture: Exodus 16
This content is part of a series.

Moses (1 of 8)
Series: Staying Faithful in Seasons of Uncertainty
Jordan Easley
Exodus 16

We are currently living in a season of uncertainty... a season where we don't know what will be written on the next page of this story... But I'm reminded today that God knows... God's in charge... and God is faithful...

You know something else about God? God fully expects US to be faithful as well... even as we're walking through seasons like this one.

Let me ask you a question today: How do you respond when you're walking through uncertain times?

I want to remind you what the Lord said in [Joshua 1:9]. He said, ''Haven't I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.''

God rarely tells us what is coming next in our story, but He always tells us to trust Him, and He always tells us to keep moving forward, taking each step by faith... walking with strength and courage and understanding that He (God) walks with us...

And He walks with us, even as we're walking through uncertain times.

Oftentimes, when there's uncertainty-there's pushback.

Have you ever experienced 'push-back' in your life or in your leadership?

We live in a world where many people are pushing back against things like... wearing masks, or quarantine orders, or the multitude of decisions being made by government leaders, or the CDC...
It's certainly not an easy time to be a leader!

Most of us don't like it when people push back against us. And that is normal. Naturally, we don't like opposition when it comes to the decisions we make or the direction we're heading.

However, there is one area in our life where we've got to expect and even embrace opposition - The Bible tells us... if you are truly walking with Jesus, you can expect opposition in your life.

[2 Timothy 3:12] says- ''In fact, all who want to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.''

In [1 Peter 4:12-14], it g ...

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