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PETER (2 OF 8)

by Jordan Easley

Scripture: Matthew 26:69-70
This content is part of a series.

Peter (2 of 8)
Series: Staying Faithful in Seasons of Uncertainty
Jordan Easley
Matthew 26:69-70

[Cliffhanger story] ...anyways... maybe I'll tell you how that story ends another time... [HAHA]

''Cliffhangers'' have been a part of movies and literature for hundreds of years. Even before TV existed, radio dramas would often end with cliff hangers that would entice audiences to tune in for the next show.

Chapters in books would often end, leaving the reader hanging as well, and the purpose was to persuade the reader to continue reading the next chapter or even, the next book.

Even older movies in theatres would have short films that would leave the audience with an ending that begged for continuation.

Then, as TV became popular, shows (especially in the 80's and 90's) would sometimes conclude an episode with the phrase ''to be continued'' at the end. Remember that?

I always hated TV shows that ended that way! If you're like me... we want the story to have a beginning... a climax... and a neatly wrapped up ending within 30 minutes! We don't want to wait a whole week to find out how the story ends.

That's probably why... today, many of us don't even watch live television. If I'm going to watch a show today, it's going to be a TV series that has already been completed. And why do we do that? ... because then, we can ''binge watch'' the entire season, and we are never left wondering, ''what's going to happen next?''

You know, in a lot of ways, we carry that same expectation over to our real lives. We think... If an entire TV show can begin and end in 30 minutes, then, why can't the hard times in our lives wrap up quickly, nicely, and neatly?

Even when we read the Bible, we take for granted how much we know about a certain character's life or story.

We KNOW that Jesus restored Peter. We KNOW that Job received many blessings after his suffering. We KNOW that Moses crossed the Red Sea. We KNOW that the whale spit up Jonah. We KNOW tha ...

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