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PAUL (4 OF 8))

by Jordan Easley

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 11:19-31
This content is part of a series.

Paul (4 of 8)
Series: Staying Faithful in Seasons of Uncertainty
Jordan Easley
2 Corinthians 11:19-31

If you were to look at the first 26 years of my life... one of the most famous and most talked-about people during that time period was a man named Saddam Hussein.

Saddam Hussein, as you probably know, was the President of Iraq from 1979 to 2003 and gained a lot of international notoriety for torturing and murdering thousands of his own people. But not only HIS people...

In 1987, he used illegally acquired chemical weapons to attack 40 Kurdish villages filled with innocent people-over 5,000 men, women, and children were killed in these attacks, leaving over 10,000 people injured, disfigured and permanently sick as a result of the chemical weapons.

I'll never forget the day Saddam Hussein was captured. It was November 5, 2006. The world cheered in unison as it viewed footage of this madman being apprehended. And then, on December 30th of that same year, the world cheered once again as he was neutralized once and for all, at his hanging.

As a young man, I'll never forget reading the headlines that next day.
Saddam Hussein gets what he deserves

You know... that makes sense to most of us today. We live with this belief that: You get what you deserve. Sometimes that's bad. Sometimes that's good.

For instance, growing up, I'd hear things like... Go to college, make good grades, keep your nose clean, make wise decisions, go to church, prepare well, read good books, get good experience, make good relationships... and if you do-everything will be... GOOD.

That seems to be a common message in our culture today. If you do the right thing... If you make the right decisions... it'll all pay off in the end and YOU WILL GET WHAT YOU DESERVE.

The problem I have with that thought process is... there's nothing that supports it in God's word. Jesus never told his followers that if they followed Him, they would have a nice, easy, comfortable life. In ...

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