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by Craig Smith

Scripture: Luke 1:26
This content is part of a series.

Miracle Management (2 of 3)
Series: Joy to The World
Craig Smith
Luke 1:26

I. Introduction

Welcome to all our campuses and, hopefully, welcome back to week number two of our series Joy to the World. You know, there's a piece of art hanging in the laundry room at my house that says ''I choose joy''. When my wife hung up a few years ago, I remember thinking, ''oh, that's nice.'' But I really haven't paid that much attention to it.

But since I've been studying for this series, I find myself paying a lot more attention to those words - I choose joy - every time I pass through and I find myself thinking two things. First, that's true. Joy is a choice. Joy isn't a result of our's something we can have regardless of our circumstances. But the second thing I've been thinking a lot is ''how do I do that?'' How do I choose joy? Because the honest truth is that I'm not great at choosing's way to easy for circumstances to steal my joy...and I want to change that. I want to get better at joy.

So I've been asking God to teach me how to make the message of Christmas - joy to the world, mean joy to my world. And he's been teaching me so much and I'm excited to share some more of what he's been teaching me with you today, so why don't you grab a bible and make your way to Luke 1.

II. Main Body

26 In the sixth month of Elizabeth's pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, (Luke 1:26)

Ok, so Gabriel has been busy. Which is interesting, right? Because we haven't heard about this particular angel since he visited Daniel, like 600 years ago. And now, he's popping up all over the place delivering baby announcements...but these are really important babies, so it makes sense to get someone like Gabriel to deliver the news.

But last week, Gabriel was in Jerusalem the capital of Israel, the most important city in Israel...and he was in the Temple - the most important place in Jerusalem - and he was in one ...

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