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by Jeff Geyer

Scripture: John 3
This content is part of a series.

The Observer (7 of 9)
Series: You: Changing The Way You See You
Jeff Geyer
John 3

Big Idea: If we are to be a church whose mission is to inspire others to follow Jesus, we need 5s committed to helping us simplify how we accomplish our mission.

Intro: As we move into the season of pursuing a facility, our church will change. Imagine renting for 4-5 years and a baby later the cramped 2-bedroom apartment becomes small when your MIL wants to visit. You move into the 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom house and it seems like everyone wants to come over-and not take off their shoes. Things change...your responsibilities and your expectations change with something you own.

As we grow, we must get our relationships right. This is one of the reasons why we want to teach through a series on the Enneagram.

(Here's a quick caveat: the Enneagram is a tool. A tool under the authority of the Bible. A tool like this can be helpful. Think about a hammer. It's a tool that can be used to build a house or demo a house. It comes to how the tool is being used.) ? It's important to understand who you are, who others are, and how we relate to each other.? Appreciate/Strengthen your strengths and understand/work your weaknesses Appreciate others' strengths and understand their weaknesses That we learn that our weaknesses are not excuses but explanations That we learn to have a sense of humor and give compassion to yourself and others ''No one should work with the Enneagram if what they seek is flattery. But no one should fail to do so if what they seek is deep knowing of self.''? This is for you to be an expert on you and not to be an expert on others. Could be off on guessing what others are...hurtful and harmful Wings can make things look different than they appear? As a follower of Jesus, your identity is not in a number but in Christ. It's part of who you are...but not all of who you are We've been created to serve our Heavenly Father...our number plays a part in that

We'll ...

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