What Life With Jesus Looks Like
Jeff Geyer
Matthew 11:28-30; 1 John 5:3
Big Idea: Following Jesus doesn't mean life becomes better; it means with Jesus I become better at life.
Intro: ''How has the church responded [getting people to come to church or come back to church]-moving lights and skinny jeans! That'll get 'em back. The group of people we lost won't come back to that because in many cases, that's what they left.'' - Andy Stanley
We started our church almost 24 months ago to meet the those who left church or never attended church. With one mission to lead people in a growing relationship with Jesus. This might mean that they don't believe but follow or belong before they believe. We were and still are convinced that Jesus is better and because He's better He makes us better and because He makes us better He makes us better at life. We are committed to un-complicating the simple message of Jesus. The biggest thing that makes our church different is how we teach the why.
There are plenty of reasons why people leave church (I'm not sure how many are good) or never attend church.
Religion Bad church experience Never good enough Never could achieve what was expected/required Shame/Guilt (Sin) Living a life that clashes with preconceived expectations of religion Doing something that goes against how someone was raised Feel terrible about something you did/doing Life Too busy Something happened that caused you to reject faith/God Too tired Background Never brought up in church Never introduced to church Involved in another faith
Tension: Over the last 3-4 months, there's something that Matthew writes down from being with Jesus that has stuck with me. It's a description that you may see on mugs, walls, shirts, and books. It's when Jesus tells the crowd about taking up His yoke and He will give us rest. But what if we have it wrong? I'm not trying to cast any doubt in you...but what if this was personal to Matthew. He is the only one who write ...
Jeff Geyer
Matthew 11:28-30; 1 John 5:3
Big Idea: Following Jesus doesn't mean life becomes better; it means with Jesus I become better at life.
Intro: ''How has the church responded [getting people to come to church or come back to church]-moving lights and skinny jeans! That'll get 'em back. The group of people we lost won't come back to that because in many cases, that's what they left.'' - Andy Stanley
We started our church almost 24 months ago to meet the those who left church or never attended church. With one mission to lead people in a growing relationship with Jesus. This might mean that they don't believe but follow or belong before they believe. We were and still are convinced that Jesus is better and because He's better He makes us better and because He makes us better He makes us better at life. We are committed to un-complicating the simple message of Jesus. The biggest thing that makes our church different is how we teach the why.
There are plenty of reasons why people leave church (I'm not sure how many are good) or never attend church.
Religion Bad church experience Never good enough Never could achieve what was expected/required Shame/Guilt (Sin) Living a life that clashes with preconceived expectations of religion Doing something that goes against how someone was raised Feel terrible about something you did/doing Life Too busy Something happened that caused you to reject faith/God Too tired Background Never brought up in church Never introduced to church Involved in another faith
Tension: Over the last 3-4 months, there's something that Matthew writes down from being with Jesus that has stuck with me. It's a description that you may see on mugs, walls, shirts, and books. It's when Jesus tells the crowd about taking up His yoke and He will give us rest. But what if we have it wrong? I'm not trying to cast any doubt in you...but what if this was personal to Matthew. He is the only one who write ...
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