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by Jim Perdue

Scripture: Job 1, Job2, Job 3
This content is part of a series.

Where Is God When Life Hurts? (2 of 12)
Series: Job
Jim Perdue
Job 1-3


*During the years 1643-1666 (almost 24 years) Joseph Caryl, a Congregationalist minister, preached 250 lectures on Job! In the final lecture he apologized, saying: ''I have not attained so clear an understanding of some passages...'' In other words, after 250 sermons on Job, he admitted that there's a lot in this book that he didn't understand. Don't worry! It won't take me that long to figure out that I don't understand everything in the book of Job. You may ask the same question when you read Job, ''What does it all mean?'' Maybe you have asked this question too. When life turns bitter, where is God? When dreams are shattered, why doesn't God intervene? When nightmares become reality, why doesn't God do something?*

I've entitled this sermon series, Pieces: the story of Job. Because throughout most of this book, Job is left to pick up the pieces of what was once a charmed life. Remember, this book leaves us with more questions than answers. And today, I want to ask another question. Where is God When Life Hurts? We'll do our best to answer this question as we study Job 1-3. READ 1:13-22; 2:7-11; 3:24-26

*Just this week I had a conversation with a friend of mine who lives in another town. His son is about to begin his senior year in high school. Just last week, a couple of days after his eighteenth birthday, he was at football practice going through conditioning drills. As he was running, his son fell to one knee. He had lost mobility on the right side of his body, his face was drawn, his speech was slurred. At the age of eighteen his son had suffered and embolic stroke. He's now at the hospital hoping to regain what was lost, but how do you wrap your mind around something like that? My friend said, ''Our church has been great, our community has rallied around us, we have been so blessed. But there still are those times when everything is quiet, that you have to ...

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