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by Rex Yancey

Scripture: Matthew 26:14-16, Matthew 26:20-25, Matthew 26:48-50

The Most Infamous Man in the Bible
Rex Yancey
Matthew 26:14-16, 20-25, 47-50

There are many famous people in the Bible. I think of Moses, Elijah, David, and Daniel. In the NT, I think of the apostles and Jesus and Paul.

The most infamous man in the Bible must be Judas Iscariot. He was a wicked man. It is a sad story. He has a most despised name. Have you ever met anyone by the name Judas?

-I have met men named Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. I have met people by the name of Andrew, and Paul and James and Timothy, but not Judas. I do not even know of anyone that named their pet Judas. UGA maybe, and even Bully, but not Judas.

-John 17:12 ''The son of perdition...'' That word means waste. Judas comes from the root word Judah which means ''Praise.'' His life was meant to be a praise for God; but instead it turned out to be a waste. That could be the testimony of many mother's sons.

-Judas was the most detested person in history. The NT writers had such a disdain for him that every time you read of list of the disciples he is always mentioned dead last.

-But one thing we learn from Judas is that even if we betray God, God will not betray us.

-This is a soul-searching sermon today; because I can't preach on Judas without examining my own heart. And you cannot listen to this sermon without examining your own heart. Judas forces us to contemplate a few realities about ourselves.

These verses teach us that:


-It was not readily apparent to any of the disciples who this traitor might be. The first thing they asked was ''Could it be me?''

-They had been together for three years and they could not pick out the traitor. Why? It is possible outwardly to fake a relationship with Christ.

-V. 47 ''Judas was one of the 12.'' Matt. 12:47 They were shocked, stunned, and surprised that Judas turned out to be the traitor.

-He was handpicked by Jesus. He was probably baptized by John the Baptist. He made ...

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