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by David Cawston

Scripture: LUKE 2, MATTHEW 1, MATTHEW 2

The Christmas Story!
David Cawston
Matthew 1 and 2 and Luke 2


"Christmas Story, Alison's Message"

"If I have to pick up one more scrap of wrapping paper or ribbon, I'm going to scream!" I had delegated much of the preparations for Christmas to my three children. They had trimmed the tree and wrapped gifts, but I still had to pick up after them. Overworked as I was, the excitement and joy of Christmas seemed to be eluding me. Surveying the mess they'd made, I said angrily, No more wrapping!"

But a few minutes later, Alison, my nine-year-old, scooted through the kitchen, arms full of wrapping paper, ribbons, scissors and tape.

"I told you we've done enough wrapping already," I scolded. "Please Mama," she pleaded. "I'll clean up. I promise."

At the hurt look on her face, I relented, and returned to picking up bits of paper. Thirty minutes later, realizing I hadn' heard a peep from Alison, I decided I'd better check. Easing down the hall to her room, I stopped short. Tears prickled my eyes when I way what she had done.

There, on her bedroom door, Alison had taped the entire Nativity scene, cut from some magazine or Christmas card. There were Wise men, shepherds, the Star, Joseph, and Mary bending over the Baby in the manger. Above it, she had placed a square of gold wrapping paper with a big bow in the center, like a gaily wrapped gift. The tag that was taped to the gift bore a simple message she had printed herself: "TO THE WORLD. . .FROM GOD"

What the aspects of the Christmas story mean to me!


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