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by David Cawston

Scripture: LUKE 19:12-27

Occupy Till I Come
David Cawston
Luke 19:13

Scripture Reading: Luke chapter 19, verse 12-27

Jesus is taking some time to teach those that are within His hearing about His kingdom. There expecting, since He was coming into Jerusalem, that He would be setting up His kingdom at that time. Instead by this parable, He was prophetically showing them that He would be gone for a season and would come back. Another lesson we learn in this parable is that His citizens hated Him. Verse 14,

But His citizens hated Him and sent a delegation after Him saying we will not have this man to reign over us.

This relates to what John teaches in his gospel when he says in John 1:11,
He came to his own and his own did not receive Him.

It teaches us that there will always be opposition to the kingdom of God. There are people in this world that hate Jesus Christ, what He stands for, because

1. They hate authority. They don't want any kind of authority, they don't want anybody telling them what to do.

2. They hate the authority of God most of all. They don't want to be subjects. They want to be gods unto themselves. They want to do their own thing.

It also teaches us that He delegated authority as He did to these 10 servants, and he put into their hands, power. He uses the illustration talking about it as pounds or minas, money as power. That's why the scriptures say that the love of money is the root of all evil. What does it mean? The love of power is the root of evil because it is a man who has not learned something about authority. He wants to rule instead of being ruled.

So He places this power in the hands of these 10 servants and tells them to utilize this power to reap dividends and that He would come back and reward them accordingly afterwards. I want you to hear three things that He shares with them that I believe is the core of this message. It is the challenge to each of us that have been the power and the au ...

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