by Rick White
Scripture: EXODUS 17:8-15, PHILIPPIANS 4:6-7
This content is part of a series.
Why Is This Thing Called Prayer So Hard to Do? (1 of 8)
Learning To Pray: 101
Rick White
Philippians 4:6-7, Exodus 17:8-15
Message Truth: There is a lot of talk in the evangelical world today about prayer but the truth is we seem to talk more about prayer than we pray. Today we are going to confront some of the reasons why some of us struggle with this spiritual discipline.
(Read Mat 26:36-41 NIV)
Introduction: I want to begin today by asking you a personal question that I would request you answer honestly and silently. If we were playing a word association game this morning and I said, 'What's the first thought or feeling that comes to mind when I say the word 'prayer','' what would come to your mind immediately?
1. I suspect some of us might say or think guilt.
I know, I don't pray enough. You're starting in a prayer series and I feel bad, and you're beating yourself up. I used to pray more than I do. I've gotten busy. I've broken out of all the patterns that used to serve me well. I feel guilty. I don't pray enough.
2. Some of us might say frustrated.
I've been praying diligently, and it doesn't seem like anyone in heaven is home. All I get is silence. It's frustrating.
3. Some of us might just be brazen and say, I don't pray -- so there.
You know, throw me out. I don't pray. It doesn't work for me. I'm not into it. You're still welcome here even if you don't pray, but you're going to hear about it.
4. Some of you might be embarrassed.
You know, I'm just starting out. I've only been a Christian a short period of time. I feel awkward when I'm asked to pray in a public setting with a small group of people. I feel clumsy and don't know exactly what to say, but I'm anxious to learn.' You're a little embarrassed, but you're anxious to learn.
5. Some of the rest of you might say, I love to pray.
It's natural to me. I pray regularly. I pray in a defined sphere of time and really do business with God there. I pray con ...
Learning To Pray: 101
Rick White
Philippians 4:6-7, Exodus 17:8-15
Message Truth: There is a lot of talk in the evangelical world today about prayer but the truth is we seem to talk more about prayer than we pray. Today we are going to confront some of the reasons why some of us struggle with this spiritual discipline.
(Read Mat 26:36-41 NIV)
Introduction: I want to begin today by asking you a personal question that I would request you answer honestly and silently. If we were playing a word association game this morning and I said, 'What's the first thought or feeling that comes to mind when I say the word 'prayer','' what would come to your mind immediately?
1. I suspect some of us might say or think guilt.
I know, I don't pray enough. You're starting in a prayer series and I feel bad, and you're beating yourself up. I used to pray more than I do. I've gotten busy. I've broken out of all the patterns that used to serve me well. I feel guilty. I don't pray enough.
2. Some of us might say frustrated.
I've been praying diligently, and it doesn't seem like anyone in heaven is home. All I get is silence. It's frustrating.
3. Some of us might just be brazen and say, I don't pray -- so there.
You know, throw me out. I don't pray. It doesn't work for me. I'm not into it. You're still welcome here even if you don't pray, but you're going to hear about it.
4. Some of you might be embarrassed.
You know, I'm just starting out. I've only been a Christian a short period of time. I feel awkward when I'm asked to pray in a public setting with a small group of people. I feel clumsy and don't know exactly what to say, but I'm anxious to learn.' You're a little embarrassed, but you're anxious to learn.
5. Some of the rest of you might say, I love to pray.
It's natural to me. I pray regularly. I pray in a defined sphere of time and really do business with God there. I pray con ...
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