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by Ryan Heller

Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:6-8
This content is part of a series.

Is Fear Is Holding You Back? (4 of 4)
Series: Why Worry
Ryan Heller
2 Timothy 1:6-8

Has anybody here been watching the new TV show called Doomsday Castle? Any fans? Okay, no one has ever heard of it. Well, Gena and I are kind of hooked on this. It's a bit weird, but it's actually a very interesting show. The theme centers around a father who is a retired Army officer, and his one last goal in life is to prepare his family for the apocalypse. So, they are building this massive castle in the hills of South Carolina, and the whole show is centered around how this family is getting ready for the end of time. The guy has ten children-five of them are in the show-and he's teaching them hand-to-hand combat, how to shoot weapons, how to fortify and build a castle to protect from intruders. 

It's a fascinating show. I didn't even know there were people like this, but I'm telling you, you need to check it out. This castle is unbelievable. It's 6,000 square feet, and it's just like medieval times. It's got the moat that goes around it. It's got the drawbridge. It's got what they call the ''murder hole,'' a hole right over the entrance where they can pour hot tar and rocks or hot water on intruders. There are little arrow slits where they can use their crossbows to shoot people coming in. You have to hear this story, and see this show, and wonder what in the world would possess somebody to spend their time, their energy and their money on something as far-fetched as this. The answer is fear.

All of us do some weird things in our lives because we are afraid. Does anybody here ever struggle with fear? Anyone ever been afraid before? When we struggle with fear, we can get a little bit strange. We can do things that under normal circumstances we would not do. Today, in the final installment of Why Worry, we will talk about how we can overcome fear in our lives. 

The Bible has a great deal to say to us about fear. In fact, Jesus spoke more about overcoming fear ...

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