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by Ryan Heller

Scripture: Psalm 8:1-9

A New Focus for a New Year
Ryan Heller
Psalm 8:1-9

Who's excited about the beginning of a new year? Is this year going to be better than last year? Yes, absolutely! We love to start a new year by setting out resolutions or objectives-including some things we would like to forget about from last year. I hope you will have a great year. I believe you will.

Normally we make commitments at the beginning of the year: we're going to lose weight, get in shape, save some money, go on vacations, begin a new hobby. Whatever it may be, it's a great time to make those commitments. I want to add one to the list. It may not be one you have in mind, but as we begin this new year, it would be fantastic for us to consider more about the goodness of God. To spend more time just thinking about who the Lord is in our life. You may be saying, ''Listen. What does my thinking about the Almighty have to do with me reaching my goals or objectives? Or how is that going to help me?''

Walk with me through this just a minute. Our perception of God, and who we believe God to be, begins to shape the view we have of ourselves. What we believe about ourselves begins to affect the choices we make. The choices we make affect the destiny, or the trajectory, of our life. It starts with the foundation of who we believe God is, and then, who we believe we are.

Psalm Chapter 8 is where the psalmist begins to talk about it. It would be appropriate for us to begin a brand-new year by making a commitment to think more about God, and to think more about who God says we are. Would you look with me for a moment in Psalm Chapter 8 at this powerful passage of Scripture. This Scripture tells us so much about God.

Now, back to God for just a moment. If we believe God is impotent and incapable, if we believe God is weak or unable to help us in a time a need, then we probably will feel more fearful and more uncertain. We will feel a lot of other emotions, negative emotions associated with those ...

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