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by Joey Rodgers

This content is part of a series.

Being AVAILABLE to God (1 of 5)
Series: 5 Marks of a Disciple
Joey Rodgers
Matthew 28:16-20

It's hard to believe August 2020 has arrived. I don't know about you, but this has been w/out question, the longest, craziest year of my life - and I only vaguely remember January 1st.

As I was thinking about how bizarre and upside-down this year has been, the other day I stumbled across a couple of cartoons I think sum up this year thus far.

Insert - Caveman Cartoon
Insert - Fear of Opening July Door Cartoon

I'm not sure if you remember, but back in January, we began the year by refocusing/refreshing our mission and vision for the future w/ the hope of continuing and clarifying our commitment to being a reproducing, disciple-making church that touches the nations. And while this hasn't changed, we've obviously have had to adjust to the new reality that maybe things aren't going to take place in the way we initially planned.

But to refresh your memory - the leadership of our church, based on Colossians 1:28 - sought to answer the (4) big questions regarding our mission/purpose.

He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone w/ all wisdom, so that we might present everyone fully mature in Christ. Colossians 1:28

Our WHAT - To influence all people into intimate followship w/ Jesus

Our WHY - b/c God wants all people to experience a satisfying, significant, and intimate relationship w/ Him...

Our HOW - By relationally making, maturing, mobilizing, and multiplying disciples who regularly experience God

Our HOPE - To see the people of FBC Peachtree City launch a movement of healthy disciple-making ministries across southwest Atlanta and around the world

This raises the question - what is a DISCIPLE?

To appreciate this question, allow me to expound upon some of the things we've discussed over the years.

A disciple refers to an apprentice who follows their teacher - meaning a disciple is a committed, faithful follower. In J ...

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