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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: Matthew 28:16-20
This content is part of a series.

Rely on the ASSURANCE of God (5 of 5)
Series: 5 Marks of a Disciple
Joey Rodgers
Matthew 28:16-20

Several yrs ago, Ann Landers shared a story of a man who all of his life, every time he got paid, took $20 out of his paycheck and put it under his mattress. After over 40 yrs, the man fell deadly ill. Realizing he wasn't going to survive, he called his wife to his bedside and said, ''I want you to promise me one thing.'' She asked, ''Promise what?'' He said, ''I want you to promise that when I've passed, you'll take the money from under the mattress and put it in my casket so I can take it w/ me.'' On the day he passed, his wife kept her promise. She retrieved the money, took it to the bank, and deposited it into her account. Then on the day of his funeral, she wrote a check and put it in his casket.

By definition, a promise is a sworn oath to assure someone you will fulfill what you've committed to do. It's a pledge, a guarantee, and a binding contract.

W/ God, a promise is a covenant - a promise on steroids. It's a promise bound in blood requiring an oath of obligation and a walk into death. To covenant is to obligate yourself to your promise even unto death.

We've been in a study of what I believe is the most essential series of lessons every professing Christian must grasp/understand if they're going to successfully follow Jesus and live a life that's pleasing to the Lord. I call these qualities the 5 Marks of a disciple.

- A readiness to be AVAILABLE to God
- A heart that has an AFFECTION for God
- A desire to submit to the AUTHORITY of God
- An ambition to live for the AGENDA of God
- An eagerness to rely on the ASSURANCE of God

We find these 5 Marks in Matthew 28:16-20 where Jesus offers a final word of instruction to His disciples.

The disciples 1went to Galilee to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw Him, they 2worshipped Him; but some doubted. Then Jesus said to them, ''All 3authority in heaven and on ...

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