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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: Hebrews 11:1-2
This content is part of a series.

Abel and a Worthy Faith (1 of 8)
Series: Im-POSSIBLE -Experiencing a Faith that Works
Joey Rodgers
Hebrews 11:1-2

I recently read a story about a nun who worked as a nurse for a Catholic home health service. One day, while driving to see a patient, her car ran out of gas. Having just passed a gas station, she walked there in hopes of borrowing a gas can, only the store didn't have a gas can available. So, the nun returned to her car to see if she could find anything that could be used to hold some gas - and all she found was a bedpan. So, she walked back to the station, filled the bedpan w/ gas, and carefully returned to her car. Just as she began pouring the gas into the tank from the bedpan, a couple of Baptist preachers were driving by and one of them said to the other, ''Now that's what I call having faith!''

I'm not exactly sure I'd call this faith, but it does raise the question - what exactly is faith?

While the dictionary defines faith as - complete trust or confidence in someone/something - the writer of Hebrews sees faith thru a different lens - Faith is the assurance of things we hope for and the conviction of things we cannot yet see. Hebrews 11:1

Meaning: As it pertains to God, faith isn't some wistful hope that something may come to pass in an uncertain tomorrow or that it can be explained thru a person's natural senses of what they can see, smell, hear, taste, and touch.

SEE? When it pertains to God, faith isn't some mysterious force; nor is it thinking positively/being optimistic. Essential to faith is trust - which we all exercise in some way every day. So, should you ever hear someone say, ''I just can't have faith.'' They're wrong. B/c every one of us exercises some level of faith every time crank up/drive in a car, every time we cross a bridge, every time we sit in a chair, take a pill, or eat a meal - we're exercising faith.

What's different for a Christian is the OBJECT of our faith. When we drive in a car across a b ...

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