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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: Hebrews 11:7, Genesis 6:9-22
This content is part of a series.

Noah: Unsinkable Faith (3 of 8)
Series: Im-POSSIBLE -Experiencing a Faith that Works
Joey Rodgers
Hebrews 11:7 | Genesis 6:9-22

A few weeks ago, we started a series on faith looking into the lives of the great men/women of the faith as remembered in Hebrews 11 in what's affectionately known as the Hall of Faith. I believe that thru these lives we're given a unique opportunity to discover the many different facets of faith to assist us in living a faith that works/matters.

As we've previously discussed, the dictionary defines faith as a complete trust/hope in someone/something, yet the writer of Hebrews says this idea is incomplete as - Faith is the assurance of things we hope for and the conviction of things we cannot see. Hebrews 11:1

Thus, faith is when our minds believe/trust in someone or something even though we might not have all of the information to see it - and even though we can't see it, we know it is true and that it'll come thru for us.

YET - The key to faith is the OBJECT of our faith - b/c whatever we put our faith in must be FAITHFUL.

Example - How many of you remember the I-35 bridge collapse in Minneapolis back in 2007? It was a frightening tragedy where 13 people lost their lives and 145 people were injured when cars, trucks, and even a school bus, plummeted into the Mississippi River when the bridge suddenly collapsed.
Originally built in 1964, for 43 yrs, people put their faith in the I-35 bridge. They put their faith in architects, engineers, and builders who designed/built it. Yet ultimately, it didn't matter b/c the object of their faith was unfaithful and couldn't stand the test of time.

Point - Whatever you put your faith in must be able to stand the test of time - yet there's only ONE who's truly faithful. One who'll always be there and who can stand the test of time - and that's God. Why? B/c only He is the embodiment of faithfulness. 2 Timothy 2:13

Here's a truthful saying... if we're faithless, He remains ...

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